Men and women are so different. Women are so much more complicated than men. Even the clothes they were are so complicated. When you look at a man you can say he is wearing a blue shirt or a white shirt. Which of course they have been wearing since the days of my grand father. But in those days the correct phrase would have been the shirt which was blue or white once upon a time. Some times they do wear other color shirts also, may be an off white shirt or a yellow or a brown shirt or some other color. But you need not scratch your brain to describe his shirt. But look at a woman, any woman. Try to tell the color or her saree or kurta. Is it green or is it red or is it yellow? How many colors does it have? What different shades? What are the designs on this dress? Your vocabulary fails to describe these. At least, mine does. Of course, there is a question. Who designs such rang birangi clothes for women? Men? To deviate their mind from more intellectual tasks? Do I see a sexist ...