This plant is called Brahmakamala in Kannada. Very paapada plant. Does not ask for any care. You just throw it in soil and it will be quietly growing there. One funny thing about this plant is it does not have a stem. Like cactus, leaves beget leaves and even the flowers grow on the edge of leaves. You can see the bud of the plant. Today there are around 6 buds of brahmakamala. But most of the times, you can not see the flowers as they bloom in the night. So I should remind myself to go and look at the flower today. The scent of flower is heavenly. Many a times we need not browse away our precious time for inspiration (to hang on to a thread at least). You can find the inspiration right in your garden. This rose plant was sulking in a corner without any flowers, with hardly any leaves for many days. Its complaint was no sunlight. But one fine day it decided enough is enough, it started growing tall to grab all the sunlight it needs. Now who can shadow its beauty? Y...