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Showing posts with the label flower

eleyalla hoovagi

This plant is called Brahmakamala in Kannada. Very paapada plant. Does not ask for any care. You just throw it in soil and it will be quietly growing there. One funny thing about this plant is it does not have a stem. Like cactus, leaves beget leaves and even the flowers grow on the edge of leaves. You can see the bud of the plant. Today there are around 6 buds of brahmakamala. But most of the times, you can not see the flowers as they bloom in the night. So I should remind myself to go and look at the flower today. The scent of flower is heavenly. Many a times we need not browse away our precious time for inspiration (to hang on to a thread at least). You can find the inspiration right in your garden. This rose plant was sulking in a corner without any flowers, with hardly any leaves for many days. Its complaint was no sunlight. But one fine day it decided enough is enough, it started growing tall to grab all the sunlight it needs. Now who can shadow its beauty?  Y...


You all tell me flower is the greatest creation of GOD. Flower is beuty, flower is fragrance, flower is nature in its best attire! I beg to differ. Flower is ephemeral, flower is fragile, that is weak and flower is sacrifice which is stupidity. Now you see the flower with its colorful petals and breath taking fragrance. By evening what is left is withered petals fallen to the ground. WHY should it live such a short life? Some of you may argue plastic flowers are eternal. They are not flowers. They are imitation. For that matter even beauty is ephemeral like flower. Today you may be gorgeous Aishwarya Rai. But very soon, you will transform into an old lady - overweight, with a double chin and walking like a penguin ! This week's theme in head or tails is flower. To see more entries click

Find beauty around you

Many times we would be so much upset over trifles like husband and son etc that we do not notice the beautiful things around us. There was this bird with bright blue feathers. So beautiful (looked at all synnonyms from Word. Did not get a better word). It was really breathtaking. Where is mobile? Why? Would I like to call this blue bird and tell her she is exquisite? No, audience. My mobile is my digital camera. But only problem is I would want the bird to stay motionless to shoot it. (Finally I did not capture it in my Nokia n72) There was this butterfly sitting on some flowers and had wings more colourful than the flowers. We housewives need to atleast come outside and stand in our garden to look at these things. That reminds me. This is my garden.