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Showing posts with the label book challenge

Book Challenge

  As I mentioned in the previous post, I am repenting that I am losing the habit of reading (only one good quality of mine). So googled for book challenges. Then I thought why don't any Indian post such a contest. Hence I came across this page - S. Krishna's books. She had south asian book challenge last year. Ok, last year is over. Anyway she has one more challenge - 52 books  - 26 authors with a to z and 26 titles with a to z. This is end of septemeber. And I am a very very busy person. ( Are you asking how am I able to blog now. I am at office now) Anyways I will give it a try. If not 26 each I may read 6 each.     Have a look at the challenge yourself.  Here

Am very very happy

Scanned through Indiblogger list for Bangalore bloggers. Luckily Got Pratima's mind over matter. And got this competition. The orbis terrarum challenge ? ... . We have to complete reading 9 books in 9 months and review them in our blog. But here is my tentative list of books to be read. 1> Dog years - Gunter Grass (Germany) 2> Marble Faun - Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA) 3> Good Earth - Pearl Buck (China) 4> The Buddha of Suburbia - Hanif Khureshi (Pakistan) 5> Some book by Taslima Nasreen (Bangla Desh) 6> Some small book by Dostovesky/Tolstoy (Russia) 7> English August - Upamanyu Chatterji (India) 8> A room with a view - E.M.Forster or any other book by him(UK) 9> Yet to be decided Now Good Earth I thought would qualify as chinese. But it may not. 2,4 and 7 I have already read. A re-read is necessary to write a review. First book I am reading but very very slowly because every w...