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Bye, bye books???

How is that possible? Me saying bye to books. The reason is this. (Or is it thus ?)Because the book I am reading is a Herman Hesse and I can not read it after a tired day and nor can I start another book unless I finish that. Of course it is rented. And in the most inexpensive library also the fine on the book might have neared the original price.
So since I can not read, I munch (no,no, not the books) and watch World movies. Movies like nikita, two sisters etc. Nikita made me realise that, I adore women who are not feminine, who are confident, who are dare devils. Is it because I am anything but confident? But like them, I do not pay much attention to dressing, but look terrible unlike them. I dye once in a blue moon. So most of the time my hair is greyish with some blackicsh brown sprayed here and there. I do not regularly iron the dresses. And I go shopping for clothes around 15 kms ( If you know bangalore, you will realise how difficult it is to drive 15 kms here. To my husband. ;-) and finally I will buy only a top which I will mix with browned out white salwars or buy a dress of the color, which can be seen when our tv is having a problem and showing purplish shades. So that is my dress sense.

Another change in me recently is, I am again stuck with Java. Java is the ideal language for me. Because you can learn it without ever buying a book. Now some of you may ask me, when I can pay so much fine for novels, why can't i buy a book for learning, I ask you, buy the book, learn it and then do what? If you buy a story book , you can re-read it, re-re-re-read it (like I do with Three men in a boat). Reading Java book for the second time? Am I a school kid to memorise these books? And anyway Sun Java tutorial combined with "Thinking in Java" are better than any book.
That reminds me, in my next blog you may read that I have strangulated my boss. He told me to develop a program for chat. THen he is saying messenger or mail program. Today he is changing it again. After spending around 24 woman hours (woman hours are worthier than man hours) on the code, now I have to re design the code. Tell me, should not I strangulate him?


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