The difference between crime and public service is more of station than of substance. When I was small, there were many poor people, and rich were the enemy. Now rich are still there, poor are also enemy. Any society worth its salt, will stop itself from self destruction. We are not doing it. So we are not a society at all or we are not worth our salt. Such quotes are numerous in the book and are more and more sarcastic. Bruce Gold is trying to write a book on Jewish experience in America but he hardly remembers anything about his childhood. So he asks his elder brother Sid - the same Sid who always tries to pull his legs. Sid remembers. He is new to school and English language is new to him. So he speaks it in a funny accent. Other children in the school imitate him and he does not even realize he is being made fun of. Even in the neighborhood other children let him play with them. But often treat him very cruelly. He does not complain for the fear of losing his play...