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Unscheduled Elections

We Bangaloreans are facing 4 hours of scheduled power cut and some more hours of unscheduled power cuts as well. Let us return this unscheduled to our leaders. Let us give them unscheduled elections.

Are we not disgusted with the pre-poll alliance, all the juggling, and then post poll alliance and resort politics - as is happening in Bangalore now. We are. All this circus is done to win the elections.

Imagine a situation where elections are announced just one week in advance - just enough time for the administration to make arrangements. There will be no closed door meetings between leaders of different parties. Also no election campaigns where people will be brought in lorries to clap for the leaders, with our money. No distribution of sarees, lungis and hooch and biryanis.

Then again, if they do not campaign how does the voter know whom to vote? They do have eyes and brains. They can see how the parties are ruling, which of their problems are resolved and which are newly created. And for opposition party leaders, they can see, how these representatives are arguing and fighting for their people in the assemblies/parliament. And the voters make decision and vote.

Remember how we used to have some teacher or the other who would always give us surprise tests and how we used to always be prepared for these tests.

Let us keep these people always prepared. 


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