Normally students would have studied a procedure oriented programming language and find the concept of objects and classes confusing. We have to give them real life examples which they can relate.
Me the teacher is an object. No, no, I am not supporting the MCPs that all females are objects. What I mean is I have certain behavious and attributes. So teacher is an object. My attributes are short, forty three yeared, oval homosapien. These attributes describe me. and my current state. I have certain methods. These methods can modify my state. For example I exercise (once in let us say 15 days for 10 minutes....). This will reduce my weight attribute by let us say 1.0e-12 kgs(i.e. 1.0X0.000000000001). I eat pastries. This method will modify my weight attribute by 0.5kgs. There is an external method - the great TIME. (main samay hoon!!!!). This method has modified my shape from straight line to oval. :-( OK, this gives some idea about methods and attributes and objects.
But there are many like me. We all cry for silliest reason, feel excited at the thought of shopping, try to mother everyone including GOD. We are women. All of us are similar in many ways. So we are a class apart. A class woman.
Me the teacher is an object. No, no, I am not supporting the MCPs that all females are objects. What I mean is I have certain behavious and attributes. So teacher is an object. My attributes are short, forty three yeared, oval homosapien. These attributes describe me. and my current state. I have certain methods. These methods can modify my state. For example I exercise (once in let us say 15 days for 10 minutes....). This will reduce my weight attribute by let us say 1.0e-12 kgs(i.e. 1.0X0.000000000001). I eat pastries. This method will modify my weight attribute by 0.5kgs. There is an external method - the great TIME. (main samay hoon!!!!). This method has modified my shape from straight line to oval. :-( OK, this gives some idea about methods and attributes and objects.
But there are many like me. We all cry for silliest reason, feel excited at the thought of shopping, try to mother everyone including GOD. We are women. All of us are similar in many ways. So we are a class apart. A class woman.
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