I saw a movie yesterday. The net. You tell me it was released when you were in school. I too, saw in wikipedia that it was 1995 film. And no, it is not running in any theaters or multiplexes in Bangalore now. In fact, in the last 15 years, I have seen one film in the theater. Nor do I rent the DVDs of movies. We intellectuals feel, it is little mediocre to watch films and stuff.
But I do watch occasionally films on TV when I am bored. We need to rest our brain once in a while - after all that reading books of nobel laurates and booker prize winners and coding the appswhich totally 30 people download in the entire universe and watching daily soaps for 6 hours. So yesterday, I happened to see this film. The name enticed me. But I knew it must be old, the moment I saw 31/2" disk. Yes once upon a time, before pen drives, CDs etc, there used to be memory devices called 31/2" disk drives. Anyway, the heroine, I later read her name is Sandra Bullock, she works from home. And she is programmer/hacker working from home as her mother is suffering from advanced Alzemir's disease. One day, her entire identity vanishes. Suddenly she becomes from Angela Bennett programmer to Ruth Marx a criminal. Even her finger prints match that of Ruth. And she is suspecting someone is trying to harm a lot of companies with the help of a disk containing this malicious software. But she can not tell any one because she herself is in prison and there is not a single person who can recognize her to be Angela, not Ruth.
OK, a sci-fi thriller worth watching.
But I do watch occasionally films on TV when I am bored. We need to rest our brain once in a while - after all that reading books of nobel laurates and booker prize winners and coding the apps
OK, a sci-fi thriller worth watching.
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